Think about a time where you set a goal for yourself and you weren't specific about what was going to be expected from you in order to reach it. Did you or did you not reach that goal?
An expectation is defined as a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.
I can only speak from my personal experiences, and each and every time I set a goal for myself, my expectations were never specific. For example, when I applied to internships my freshman year, I would pray only asking to be blessed with "an internship". Vague as hell right? Now... my expectations are more than specific.
In the middle of my application process, I began to become more and more specific with my expectations. I went from praying for just "an internship" to "an internship that supplies housing, transportation, and pays more than $10 an hour". On the plus side, the interviews started reeling in, but I continued getting rejection letters galore.
So I took that opportunity to get even more specific with my prayer. I went from praying for "an internship that supplies housing, transportation, and pays more than $10 an hour" to "the Communications/PR internship at ESSENCE Magazine". And when I say it wasn't just me saying that prayer, it was my whole entire family.
As I prayed that specific prayer, my family prayed the same one, and the next day, I received a call from the Head of PR at ESSENCE Magazine, with a offer letter for the position that next morning.
If our expectations are too vague and not specific, we will settle for anything when it comes to our goals and what we wish to accomplish. I expected God to bless me with the very best, and He delivered.
Hold yourself to a higher standard. Expect greatness from yourself and the people who surround you. Once you discipline yourself to keep your expectations visible to yourself and others, you will see a change in your life.