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In My Crocs

In Trevor Jackson’s latest album, Rough Draft, one of his top hits is titled “In My Crocs”. Jackson begins the song with him mocking the...


Think about a time where you set a goal for yourself and you weren't specific about what was going to be expected from you in order to...

Praise Break: Young Adult Life

On the way to church yesterday morning, I listened to my usual before church car ride playlist, called "p r a i s e b r e a k". As I...

they dont like it, oh well

"The more you love your decisions, the less you need someone else to love them." There comes a time in our lives where we finally stop...

It Is Time

"The question isn't who's going to let me; it's who's going to stop me." - Ayn Rand As I read this quote, I thought about how I wanted to...

Not your job

"It is not your job to be everything, to everyone." -some intelligent person This is a quote that has been around for quite some time now...

Be Consistently Inconsistent

We have all grown up having bad habits. Mine were biting my nails, sitting too close to the tv, and throwing my clothes on the ground...

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