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Personal Growth Benefits Growth in Your Relationships.

Writer's picture: T. T.

Updated: May 13, 2019

It seems as if people forget others in relationships weren't always in relationships. We used to be single as well, but it takes time to realize who you actually are in a relationship. A dead relationship is draining and hindering. Before you can strive in a relationship, you have to strive within yourself. In my relationship now, I can honestly say we would not be in the amazing chapter in our relationship right now if we did not break up back in high school. I believe that a relationship cannot grow if the individuals in it aren't. And sometimes in order for that to happen you have to take time apart to grow yourself--mentally, intellectually, and spiritually. Once that is done, I promise the entire sentiment of the relationship will alter. You both will handle situations more maturely and reasonably than ever before. If you have petty tendencies over small things and your significant other has a nonchalant attitude about things that are important to you, doesn't it make sense to grow first as individuals and then as a couple. Take some time to yourself, reflect, consider other ways to handle things, adopt a new way of thinking, and come back together when you both have done what...GROWN. You have to grow personally before your relationship can. If you continue with the same old petty arguments and the same mindsets, you will have nothing but a stand still relationship. Change in you as individuals will alter the strength of your relationship. Time apart doesn't have an expiration date. It could be from weeks, months, or years, but looking at the big picture, a few years apart that results in a lifetime together is well worth it.


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Stone Brickhouse
Stone Brickhouse
29 ene 2018

This is so well spoken and inspiring!

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