Dear College Freshman,
We all know that saying "if it feels wrong, then it is", and as cliche and corny as it may sound, it is completely true. I don't know how many times my parents told me in my high school years to follow my gut and use the gift of discernment that God gives us, but if I could guess, it would be more than the fingers and toes on my body.
In college, there are going to be many times where you WANT to be around everyone, and you WANT to be at the party you "can't miss" or that's going to "go down in your school's history", but that is not always the best decision. Sometimes, you just have to go with your gut and say no.
You have to realize that there will always be another "can't miss" party and that there is going to be another "party that's going down in history" next week, but the chance to get a college education for most is slim. And it's an opportunity that cannot be wasted.
When I say go with your gut, it's not all about staying in your dorm to study when it's a party going on, but it means listening to yourself. Trust yourself, because the only person that is going to have your back the you.
I tell my friends all the time, "when it's time to go, it's time to go...when I say it's time to go and y'all want to stay,I'm leaving". And they know I mean what I say. There's too many instances where people are killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and sometimes those instances could have been avoided if they had just gone with their gut.
When I go to parties, I look at the front door, the back door, the windows -- I'm look at exits. I look at the different groups of people that are there, listen to conversations to hear if any arguing is going on, and best believe if a fight break out I'm gone, because 9/10 all fights end with a gun being pulled and someone getting hurt. And that someone is not going to be Tiana because I go with my gut!! And hopefully after reading this blog post you will to.
Don't let anyone talk you into doing anything you don't want to do. If it doesn't feel like the right decision then its probably not, and your inner self is trying to save you from making the dumb one.
To end this blog post I am going to quote my good friend Tierra. She always says "this ain't sitting right with my stomach", so if something doesn't sit right with you please just trust yourself and go with your gut.